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sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Create Active Age

IMG_0005Some time ago it was the custom to tell people about the need to create dolls from scraps.  And, as creativity cannot be taught we needed to ask the Father, who has that in abundance.You only need to look at nature to see how God is creative in everything He makes and has made.
I say this, so that the brothers will help us in prayer asking the Lord for creativity for Sarah. I knew she could draw well, but sha has suprised me with educational games to teach the children.

IMG_0016The first game she did was to teach the children about the solar system, and after a while they only realized they were "studying" when they had learned something.

Yesterday as I went outside to see waht all the shouting and running was about at the gym, I realized it was a lesson in the division of syllables. Where the children represent some letter and should not only form words but the correct division of them. Imagine the activity! See the photo of a word following the link photos/113201098380725877­236/ albums/573048311693598515­3?authkey=CIOIqbOGxIv29wE

Other prayer needs:
For Sophia Hanna, who has been harrassed at school by other children.

postarFor the health of the team: (Natan, Sarah, Simone, Armando and Sônia). It is amazing how fatigue takes hold after a day of school.  Besides this now and then one of us aches all over.
For the development of our children. It is not only Portuguese and Maths, we

are trying to develop Christian character in each one of them. So the battles is great.
So that more and more people might take part in this ministry to the riverside folk of the Amazon.
Thank you for taking part, and a big hug.

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